*Locus, immersive digital artwork, meditation ~ project @*

An immersive digital artwork that embodies meditative experiences, co-created with audiences’ natural interactions – Locus is designed to engage audiences in experiences of meditation, it’s being developed for exhibition as a physical installation, a free online experience, and an NFT series of editions. An ongoing work-in-progress, building on past experience and several new tech R&D prototypesMaterial Point Method fluid-dynamics via gl-mpm, simulating millions of flowing particles via gl-gpgpu, influenced by natural motion interactions via AI body-tracking and glsl-optical-flow – alongside full production plans and team, and raising funds and support. Millions of fluid particles pass through a translucent human bust – their colours match the anatomy they flow within (skin, bone, tissue), tracing ephemeral hints of forms and colours layered within the volume’s depths. Your natural motions affect the flow – movement agitates turbulence, clouding outer surfaces; stillness settles smooth filaments, revealing intricacies of inner depths. Driving immersive audio by the emergent motions of millions of interacting particles in an experimental process – we explore procedural sound to create aleatoric music.

2023.01–now [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7] ++

[toggle any arrows for details ~ double-tap media for full-screen ~ try any broken links on **]**

[*Locus, present work examples ~ projects @*](

[*Locus,* past work examples ~ projects @](

Locus, immersive digital artwork ~ project @