Futures: SpaceBeats, AI workshop, spatial-music ~ project @ Amplify

As the first featured partner in Amplify’s innovation initiative, in ***Futures x*** I delivered the SpaceBeats prototype, leading a workshop for 3 teams of in-house creatives to explore and experiment with AI for creative use-cases. A sonic-spatial AI, allowing artists and fans to co-create music compositions communally by movement in space – a musician places melodies in a space using GPS, as the audience move in the space their devices play new compositions generated by AI interpolating their co-ordinates between the musician’s placed melodies, each person playing various musical parts and collaborations – the generated music branches from the artist's vision, influenced by the audience, a communal discourse mediated by AI. After weeks guiding the teams’ explorations of creative concepts, research, and executions of diverse routes – women’s football, multi-sensory event mementos, communal music co-creation – the latter emerged for me to develop into a working open-source prototype, with Google Magenta and Tensorflow for AI melodies, serves real-time

2023.04–2023.09 [0 1 2 3 4 5 4 6 7 8] ++

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Futures: SpaceBeats, AI workshop, spatial-music ~ project @ Amplify